Rödbetssallad = Beet root salad
You need;
- 8-10 pickled red beet roots (pickled in vinegar)
- 8-10 cold boiled potatoes
- 1/2 pickled ghurkin (pickled in salt, not vinegar)
- 4-5 acid apples
- 1 onion (the yellow kind)
- salt, black pepper
Chop in small cubes, mix together, color with some of the red pickling vinegar
from the pickled beet roots, spice with salt and pepper after indivudal taste.
Serve with sour cream, in Sweden we say gräddfil.
You may decorate with hard boiled eggs if you want.
Rödkål med Äpplen = Braised Red Cabbage and Apples
That dish I buy readymade .
Glasmästarsill = Glassblower's Herring
Glasmästarsill we use to have on our Christmas Smorgasbord. There are many other fishdishes that are traditional; but in my family we don't have them for Christmas any longer. That is why I have them in my page "Easterfood".