"Saft" is a kind of concentrate sweetened juice - in my dictionary it is named "fruit syrup". When you make "saft" out of berries or fruit you make it concentrated. Then it has to be diluted, usually 1/5 of the concentrate and 4/5 of water. The readymade drink or lemonade is called "saft" too. Very common as a drink for children.
"Saft" made out of black-currant leaves
(Recipe from a friend)
You should use young leaves in the early summer.
- 3 litres of black currant leaves
(rinsed) are put into a bowl together with
- 2 kilogrammes of sugar
- 3 sliced lemons
- 60-70 grammes of Citric Acid
- a half teespoon of Natrii Benzoas
- Pour 1,5 litres of boiling water on top
- Stir antil the sugar has melted
- Put in a cool place for two days, covered by a towel.
- Let sieve, fill into clean and sterilized bottles.

Black currants are very rich of ascorbic acid, why you always have to be careful during the preservative process, not destroying the vitamins.
Steamed "saft" of black currants
- 2 litres of berries
- 3 decilitres of sugar to each litre of filtred "saft"
- Natrii Benzoas 1/4 teaspoonto each litre readymade "saft"
This is the way I make with the cleaned and rinsed berris which are well drained off. The berries have not to be stringed.
At first I make the steamer outfit ready: water at the bottom, puts a bowl which can hold about 5 liters into the outfit and then I bind the filter towel on top. When the water is boiling I put the berries in the filtering towel. Just a little amount at time. About 10 minutes betwen each new fill of berries. When all berries are steamed the outfit has to cool off a little. The remaining mass in the filter towel is removed. The liquid in the bowl at the bottom of the outfit is measured and emptied into a preserving kettle. Add sugar, stir until solved. Add preservative (natrii benzoas) Fill into clean sterilized bottles, close and seal.
I sterilize the bottles in the owen, heated to 125°C(225 F) where I leave them for about one hour. Experiences from my time as a pharmacist has inspired to this routine.
Adjust 2004-05-25
Background from Framtidens grafikstuga
Startsidan Swedish berries
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