Berries belonging to RUBUS (L)
More textlinks are coming when I have got time to translate into English

Stone Brambles
Rubus saxatilis L. --
Stone Bramble are perennial herbs with long ramified leafed runners,and white flowers. The fruits are just a few red spherical small berries on a receptacle. This herb is common in all Sweden in forests among stones. Thus the name.
Tasting a bit acid but as they are so small and have big stone kerns they are not used in the houshold. A photography from my friend Lars Norrby
Rubus caesius L. Dewberries are found on small thorned bushes in some of the southern regions of Sweden, especially Gotland and Scania. The berries are not as sweet as blackberries, but especially on Gothland they pick them and use them for jam which is served with the speciality of the island, saffron cake, The Latin name "caecius" stands for dewblue.
Adjust August 2005
Brambles species and cultivation
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